A few years ago, I directed and produced a documentary narrated by Danny Glover called Redeeming Uncle Tom, about the epic little-known Christian slave who inspired the blockbuster novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
But Josiah Henson remains one of the most important humans in history that Christians (and everyone else) don’t know.
Luckily things are slowly changing.
Last week, I discovered that my book and film about Josiah Henson got featured in The Atlantic.
I’ve also noticed Redeeming Uncle Tom is quietly gaining popularity on Amazon Prime.
Three months ago, it got 18,770 streams…
Two months ago, it got 32,672 streams…
Last month, it got 56,681 streams…
More than 108,000 people have discovered Josiah Henson in the past quarter!
Are you one of them?
Watch Redeeming Uncle Tom for free on Amazon Prime.
Or rent/buy it directly from me on Gumroad. (The proceeds will help us finish our current documentary on the global affordable housing crisis.)
If you’ve already seen the film:
Please forward with email or share the Amazon Prime link with everyone you know who likes documentaries: https://www.amazon.com/Redeeming-Uncle-Tom-Danny-Glover/dp/B08SHZJPP3/
If you’re feeling extra kind, please leave a 10-star rating on IMDB. (This ensures Amazon will share Josiah Henson’s story with another 108,000 people!)
Enjoy movie night. :-)