Hey Brock, I’m getting increasingly concerned about our loss of basic, constitutionally guaranteed freedoms here in Canada. I keep thinking that the Germans in the 1930s didn’t believe it was possible and Canadians today are no different. I’ve always thought survivalists were wacko, but now I’m beginning to think we need to be ready to live without reliance on digital systems and electricity and grocery stores. Maybe the Amish have it right! But is it even possible to disentangle from the system now?

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Dec 5, 2021Liked by Jared Brock

Hey Jared

Appreciate your thoughtful and provocative articles. I have been reading Homo Deus recently and I’m actually quite overwhelmed by the ethical decisions coming down the pipe. How do we deal with the ability to alter genes and not just eliminate hereditary diseases but perhaps create smarter, more athletic, better looking kids? How do we handle if rich can but poor can’t? Or if regimes like n Korea do it but western countries don’t? Is “natural selection” biblical? Is this a secular attempt to retake the Garden of Eden without God? Are we as Christians for health & human betterment and find ourselves joining in the fight to reverse the effects of the Fall? These are issues that will hit pastors offices in the not too distant future. Wisdom, please?

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Here are the facts about police killings in different countries. We’re on the low end, especially for a country our size and heavy crime. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/police-killings-by-country

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Do you know anything about crop circles? If not, why not? The more you learn about them, the more you realize that we are being blessed with messages from loving non-human beings (please don't call them "aliens" - that's like using the N-word) who really want to help us. And, boy, do we need help! Imagine if we (the people, not the corporations and their lackeys) had use of their technology to save ourselves and the planet.

Also do you know anything about near death experiences and other spiritually transformative experiences? If not, why not? Spiritual awareness, after all, is the way that we humans discover who we truly are (wonderful, creative, love-ful beings) and learn that we're all profoundly connected. Even people who have not actually had these experiences benefit greatly simply by learning about them, and in so doing learning about themselves. And, of course, meditation and prayer invite the Spirit into our lives. Which is the path to serenity, happiness, and saving ourselves.

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